La solita commedia: Inferno (2015)

Poster for La solita commedia: Inferno

2015: Hell is in chaos. A host of new sinners arrive every day to crowd Minos' offices. But Hell is an old, antiquated structure: the new sinners, not finding a right place, are dispersed among the circles. Lucifer is received directly by God, who seeks a solution. The winning idea is a cataloging of the new sins on Earth. And who to entrust the task to if not Dante Alighieri, who already once, in his time, carried out this task with excellent results? Dante is thus catapulted into a large Italian city, and finally finds his guide, the one who will accompany him in search of the "new sins": Demetrio Virgilio, a precarious thirty-year-old who is preparing, like every morning, to face another "day of Hell".

Cast & Crew

Francesco Mandelli
  • Profile picture of Fabrizio Biggio
    Virgilio, Lucifero, Gargiulo, Tenente Franchi, Collega di Pietro, Modella afro, Modello, Dentista, Simone, Walter, Rodolfo, Tipo che urla, Carlo Lo Iodice, Sandro, Bruno , Giovanni, Klaus, S. Ambrogio, Raniero, Gregorio, Ciclista Bimbumbanca Fabrizio Biggio
  • Profile picture of Francesco Mandelli
    Dante, Minosse, Pietro, Armando, Tenente Cicci, Matteo, Alpinista, Architetto Ministero della bruttezza, Mirella Lo Iodice, Giordano, Renzo, Nicolaj, S. Francesco, Maicol, Giorgio Panetta, Francesco, Operaio Bimbumbanca Francesco Mandelli
  • Profile picture of Giordano De Plano
    Cliente bar, Massimo, Spettatore cinema, SWAT, Architetto del Ministero della bruttezza, Boxeur Bimbumbanca, Giangy, San Cosimato Giordano De Plano
  • Profile picture of Tea Falco
    Gesù / Sionia / Vigilessa / Maria / Fidanzata di Pietro Tea Falco
  • Profile picture of Marco Foschi
    Suicida, Cliente bar, Tossico, Conducente ambulanza, Fashion blogger J.J. Tristezza, Cliente pubblicità Bimbumbanca, Santo Marco Foschi
  • Profile picture of Walter Leonardi
    Poliziotto / Amico del calcetto / Spettatore cinema Walter Leonardi
  • Profile picture of Paolo Pierobon
    Dio, Cliente bar, Giorgio, SWAT, Medico chirurgo, Produttore musicale del Ministero Paolo Pierobon
  • Profile picture of Marco Ripoldi
    Cliente bar / Santo / Hacker / Amico "top" di Marianna / Simone Marco Ripoldi


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