Cassandra (2025)

A family moves into a vintage smart home and discovers that it's under the control of a virtual assistant — who will stop at nothing to keep them there.
Where to watch 
Learn how to access geo-restricted content Open guide here.
Cast & Crew
- Director
- Benjamin Gutsche
- Cassandra Lavinia Wilson
- Samira Mina Tander
- David Michael Klammer
- Fynn Joshua Kantara
- Horst Franz Hartwig
- Steve Filip Schnack
- Peter 16/17 Elias Grünthal
- Junoe Mary Tölle

Limited Series
6 episodes
Season 1 of Cassandra premiered on February 6, 2025
- miniseries
- robot
- smart home
- virtual assistant
- gay theme
- absurd
- thriller